Religious Education Programs for 2024/2025
Registration for the Summer 2024 & Full Year 2024/25 Programs will begin on March 10, 2024. SEE MENU ITEMS TO THE LEFT
Summer Program: June 24 – 28TH, 2024.
Full Year In-Person Program:
7 In-person sessions from Sept. 24, 2024 - March 18, 2025 5:30PM-6:30PM. Please see the blue link to the left for details.
If you have any questions, please email
Sponsor Letters/Requirements
The following is required by Cannon Law to be a Catholic Godparent/Sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation. Be at least 16 years of age. Have completed the Sacraments of the Initiation. (Baptism, Eucharist & Confirmation) If married, have a marriage that is canonically valid and recognized by the Catholic Church. Be a registered and Active parishioner living a life of faith. You must be registered with our parish for at least 3 months before we will provide a sponsor letter. Although you may have registered with our parish, if you are not attending Mass regularly and using the envelope system there is no way for the parish office to confirm regular Mass attendance. Please contact the Parish Office to confirm your status with our parish.
Religious Education Curriculum
The Church of Epiphany’s Religious Education program is grounded on the traditional teachings and practices of the Catholic Church. We follow the guidelines set by the Diocese of Trenton in communion with the See of Rome. Grade 2 is a Sacramental year in which the children are prepared for the reception of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation is a two-year process, beginning in grade 7. The reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation is administered to those who have successfully completed the Program and have met all Parish, Diocesan, and Canonical requirements in grade 8.
We use the following textbooks in our program:
Grades 1 – 6: Alive in Christ, published by Our Sunday Visitor.
Grades 7-8: Chosen: Your Journey Towards Confirmation, published by Ascension. Each student will receive a student book at the beginning of 7th grade and will continue to use it through Confirmation in 8th grade. Replacement books will be ordered at a cost of $30.00 for each student.
The Diocesan GROWING WITH GOD Curriculum
The GROWING WTH GOD program is in place to offer Catholic moral teaching and development. This series focuses on family, self, life, love, and community. The program is taught in grades 1 – 8.
Mass Requirements
All Students in grades 1 through 8 are required to attend the assigned class masses Students will sit with their families in the church and may leave once Mass is over.
In addition to 3 class masses, each student is required to attend 9 Masses throughout the school year. Also, every student must attend a Christmas Mass and an Easter Mass preferably at Church of Epiphany. Each student will write a Homily Reflection (a few notes) based on the Priest/Deacon’s homily which will be stamped after Mass by a Priest/Deacon. Please do not leave the Worship area before the mass is over. All students will submit a minimum of 14 Homily Reflections for the year.
Community Service
There is a 20-hour Christian service requirement for all 7th & 8th grade students per year for a total of 40 hours Community Service. A minimum of 15 hours must be completed at Epiphany and a maximum of 5 hours can be completed at any of the approved organizations.
Attention Parents and Students: Please see the Religious Education Calendar for all mandatory dates and requirements. A hard copy of these dates will be distributed with the books on the first day of class. * All dates are subject to change. Please make sure that we have an updated email on file.